In Lubbock, there are churches on every corner, bible studies in every coffee shop, and other religious groups, organizations, affiliations, and associations everywhere you look. Today it struck me - we talk about what we want to become instead of just doing it!
Look at the "Mighty Men" of the Old Testament - what were they? They were Men of Action! They DID - they didn't talk about what they should be DOING! They were in the battle - they fought, they bled, they conquered enemies! The bible never records a men's group who talked about the need for better swords, for better plans or tactics - but it does record groups of men who performed Mighty Feats!
So - that's WHY I'm blogging about Men of Action. It's what I plan to be and I want to invite you - men of Lubbock - to join me! It's time for us to stop being men who talk about how things should be - to stop letting Christianity be about us or about our churches and the great events we plan. We MUST live the life that Jesus called us to - we must put our faith into ACTION!!!
In John 8:31-32 Jesus made clear that we are only his disciples when we HOLD TO HIS WORD - when we OBEY him!! It's time for feel-good Christianity to come to an end and real discipleship to begin.
Let us not be men who talk about what we're going to do - let us be men who DO!
More to come - stay tuned - get excited! Pray for the men of Lubbock to change our city!